The five-run homer gambit (the Palin selection) didn’t work. But now McCain may have hit on a winning strategy: exposing how Barack “Lefty” Obama’s rank hypocrisy may endanger the integrity of our National Pastime:
Standing just miles north of Philadelphia, whose Phillies will represent the National League starting Wednesday against the American League champion Tampa Bay Rays, McCain noted Obama has identified himself with both teams while campaigning in their two politically important home states.
Obama said over the weekend in Philadelphia that while he was a Chicago fan, “Since the White Sox are out of it, I’ll root for the Phillies now.” On Monday in Tampa, Obama was introduced by a Rays pitcher and said, “I’ve said from the beginning that I am a unity candidate, bringing people together. So when you see a White Sox Fan showing love to the Rays — and the Rays showing some love back — you know we are on to something right here.”
McCain told employees at TCI Millwork Inc. in Bensalem: “Now, I’m not dumb enough to get mixed up in a World Series between swing states. But I think I may have detected a little pattern with Sen. Obama. It’s pretty simple really. When he’s campaigning in Philadelphia, he roots for the Phillies, and when he’s campaigning in Tampa Bay, he `shows love’ to the Rays.”
That’ll work. I’m still planning to vote for McCain, but man, I’m getting tired of him. And now it turns out that the RNC has spent $150,000 on clothing and accessories (presumably including lipstick) for his running mate.
Can we please just have the election already, so Mr. Obama can start planning his transition?