William and Michael. Sharon and Cheryl. Chris and Chris. Kevin and Bill. John and Billy. Ulysses and Gary. Elaine and Lauren.
These are not pseudonyms or hypotheticals — they are actual gay and lesbian couples in my life, people I cherish, good Christians in long-term committed relationships, some of them for 30 years and more. Today the New Jersey Senate spat on their relationships, and I am pissed.
The Web Goddess and I voted for different candidates, but on this issue we are united, standing proudly to the left of our President. We’re confident that our marriage will not be damaged if our friends are allowed to marry as well. The idea is so bizarre that I should not have to type those words, but there they are.
Same-sex marriage is a straightforward civil rights issue, and the only acceptable outcome is full marriage equality. I believe I’ll see it in my lifetime. But New Jersey took a step in the wrong direction today, and I weep for my friends.